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国际进出口货代 航空公司

 The Company has established new management system which attaches great importance to the internal management. Shanghai Ya & Tai Law Firm and Jinghu Accountant Firm are hired respectively as its perennial law counselor and the financial accounting consultant.
  With the perfect software and hardware facilities, the Company is ready to provide a safe, quick, accurate and convenient service, a coordinated process in international freight transportation. We sincerely hope that we could cooperate with clients at home and abroad and establish broad partnering relationship.
  Business scope : International air and ocean freight forwarder for import and export transportations, including marketing goods, booking, warehousing, transit shipment, LCL service, customs clearance and inspections, insurance and relative short distance transportation and consultation.

主要从事国际物流,国际进出口货代,报关清关代理,国际海运,国际快递,国内物流, 货运代理,仓储,结算为一体的综合物流服务专家。
   我们积极开展国际货运和国内物流业服务,以优质周到的热情服务、专业素质的精英团队、系统规范的操作流程、公平合理的价格体系和诚信高效的经营理念在国内外客商中赢得了良好声誉,已为众多知名企事业单位(如:世界500强企业、国内外上市公司、银行、高等院校、医疗机构和政府相关部门等)提供专业全面的物流和清关服务。 赞宸国际物流公司为您提供全方位一站式国际供应链服务,提供全球物流解决方案!

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航空公司  (2013-1-16 15:0:12)