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Paramaribo transportation

秉承“服务至上,诚信为本”的经营理念,全体员工团结一致,锐意进取,鑫马物流会珍惜您给的每次机会,用心处理每一笔业务,继续拓展我们的服务网络 ,尽可能为您提供更好的服务。 物流公司的客服人员24小时等待为您服务:ransportation of Artworks and Cultural Relics
As a professional forwarder, our staff in these years have successfully arranged special transportation of artworks and cultural relics for the Palace Museum, Shan’xi Museum, Shanghai Museum and other cultural units. We’ve received complimentary reviews because of perfect service by handling“SILK ROAD”, “BROZE STATUE”, “MORDEN SHANGHAI” etc. large-sized expositions.

We also commit ourselves to help Chinese artists expand overseas market, hold artshows abroad and deliver artworks in well-known galleries.

Welcome to contact us, we shall provide you an excellent and overall service .

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