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国际物流利用全球范围的代理商网络为客户发往世界各地的出口及进口货物提供快捷、经济、安全的全方位服务。在美国、英国、德国、日本、韩国、越南、新加坡、澳大利亚、泰国等建立起代理网络;在国内,拓美国际物流开设了:北京、大连、天津、青岛、张家港、南京等各办事处。通过此业务网络,公司能够提供卓越的服务,并为拓展新的商务渠道提供了机遇。International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. is a national freight forwarding company. After many years of business integrity, we have a close partnership with major domestic and foreign shipping companies and airlines to maintain, including, UASC, APL, MAERSK, COSCO, HANJIN, EVERGREEN, OOCL, CMA, NORASIA, MSC, CHINASHIPPING LUFTHANS , the ANA, the ATLANTIC, UNITED. View of the extensive co-operation with shipping companies and airlines, we can provide a more efficient, more accurate schedules and flight information, adequate accommodation, a more reasonable tariff, so that you get the highest quality at all the ports services. Around the world together with our hundreds of agents, a global network of service areas in the FOB, with an unparalleled advantage.

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