

« cargo Boeing 747-400 aircraft怎么出口贸易 »


arrange the trailer loaded ark: provide shipping address, shipping time, contact person, contact phone number.
4, after the container loading into the dock, need to arrange customs clearance (pay customs declaration or general trade tax refund declaration, etc.).
5, check the bill of lading before owner sectional feeding information, payment, and other foreign required for customs clearance formalities (such as: certificate of origin, insurance, etc.)
6, prepare all the customs clearance data sent to foreign customers, the L/C, D/A, D/P bank, foreign customers to arrange customs clearance pick up the goods.
(as long as you a phone call, put the information to our company, we'll help you all the process of operation, allowing you to easily complete the process of shipping.)公司常年承担着通用机械厂、三源铝业、汶瑞机械、潍坊科创、精华粉体、亿佳节能、博莱特、奥宗麦克斯、奥诺臭氧、德信机械、科扬机械、耀发机械、宇洋机械、大昌机械、信金机械、东翰机械、容大液袋、华安锅炉、恒安散热器、天一生物、金贝尔生物、嘉林生物、新生力等公司企业的物流运输服务。我公司还办理代收货款业务,手续费低、回款及时,安全有保障。货物即接收之日起,省内1-3日达,省外3-7日达,运输安全快捷。

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