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客户可以享受来自世界各地的空运进口服务。对于普通直飞货物的空运 进口,明捷可以根据客户的需要,指示海外代理安排货物从国外直达国内主要城市。对于需要中转的空运进口,或者是进口清关手续繁琐的空运货物,明捷一般推荐 香港中转,利用CEPA及保税区各种优惠政策,灵活选择多个口岸和多种方式通关,确保进口空运货物顺利及时地输送到全国各地,为客户节省时间和成本。Our service include
Transportation solution design and implementation
Warehouse layout design and stock optimization
Global and domestic distribution

Featured services
Providing various domestic and international transportation services at at any time, including ground transportation, waterway transportation, and air transportation
With maximum efficiency and minimum cost, our transportation service can meet the clients' demand to full extend
Provide professional transportation service and transportation management, and customs declaration and clearance management
Provide professional transportation service and transportation management dedicated for special goods (e.g. dangerous goods, goods requiring controlled temperature and humidity, goods with abnormal volume and weight, fresh goods, and exhibition goods.)
Our global distribution and domestic distribution with container consolidation capability
Offer professional design for transportation route, vehicles, distribution methods, lead time, and last mile service per clients' demand

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