

« 京斯顿物流蒙特丽尔水路运输 »

Nhava Sheva新德里海运

我们专注于细节,我们了解物流链中每个环节的细节,我们相信细节决定物流服务的质量。我们拥有强劲的竞争优势;经验丰富的管理团队;高效可靠的管理技术;强大的客户关系网和灵活多变的航线计划来满足客户的需要。 我们期待您的选择,客户的满意是我们最大的追求! 提供中国铁路各始发车站经满洲里、二连浩特、阿拉山口至俄罗斯、蒙古国、哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、土库曼斯坦、塔吉克斯坦的国际铁路联运服务。 始发车站:广州下元站、佛山东站、深圳北站、上海杨浦站、天津、青岛、合肥、连云港、无锡、宁波、厦门等地。 运行路线: 1、始发站至阿拉山口至多斯特克至奥津基至莫斯科 2、始发站至霍尔果斯至阿腾科里至奥津基至莫斯科 3、始发站至阿拉山口至多斯特克至中亚五国 4、始发站至霍尔果斯至阿腾科里至中亚五国 5、始发站至霍尔果斯至后贝加尔至俄罗斯 6、始发站至二连浩特至扎门乌德至乌兰巴托(外蒙古) 我们提供的服务项目: 1.进出口货物国际联运车皮计划及集装箱整柜计划的申请. 2.始发站出口报关及报验.货柜的薰蒸,货物的全程保险. 3.代客户购买二手箱,始发站拖车,装卸,加固等. 4.国境口岸转关,换装. 5.全程运输信息跟踪服务.China's Ministry of Commerce approved a freight forwarding company, has a Chinese civil aviation transport sales agency business qualification certificate. Since its inception, has been committed to the development of global maritime transport, air transport and domestic air transportation, land transportation and other service career.
At present, has a specialized team, to be able to provide professional and effective domestic and international community charter booking, customs inspection, land, FCL, LCL and other comprehensive logistics services.
Shanghai Wei Ao International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. is China's Ministry of Commerce approved a freight forwarding company, has a Chinese civil aviation transport sales agency business qualification certificate. Since its inception, has been committed to the development of global maritime transport, air transport and domestic air transportation, land transportation and other service career.
At present, has a specialized team, to be able to provide professional and effective domestic and international community charter booking, customs inspection, land, FCL, LCL and other comprehensive logistics services.

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